
You can eat 🍣 DIY Sushi Shaped Candy – popin’ cookin’ 3

Product name: popin' cookin' Sushi Shop
Brand: Kracie
(1) It is edible. 112 calories. No artificial colours. No preservatives.
(It is made of grape flavored jelly and candy.)
I ate it after filming. It tasted sweet.
(2) It cost 258 yen.
(3) It is not an updated one, so it does not come with the soy sauce packet.
(4) It has no halal mark.
(5) 0:09 Room temperature water.
(6) 2:38 The strainer doesn't come with the box. I was using Konapun tool and plates.

– – – – –
Bonbons Sushi – Kit de preparation (en poudre)
Sushi na szybko (instant)
가루쿡 초밥,스시 포핀쿠킨,코나푼

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